Conversion Factors

Brought to you by British Bike Club of Brevard County Florida(BBC)

Lengths (distances):
UnitsMultipy by Units Multiply By Units(in)
Inches(in) 25.4 Millimeters (mm) 0.0394 Inches(in)
Feet (ft) 0.305 Metres (m) 3.281 Feet (f)
Miles 1.609Kilometrs (km) 0.621 Miles
Volume (capacity):
UnitsMultipy by Units Multiply By Units(in)
Ounce (US; Fluid) 0.033814 Cubic centimeters(cc) 29.57355 Ounce (US; Fluid)
milliitres (ml) 1.0 Cubic centimeters(cc) 1.0 millilitres (ml)
Cubic inches (cu in) 16.387 Cubic centimeters(cc) 0.061 Cubic inches (cu in)
Imperial pints(Imp pt) 0.568 Litres(l) 1.76 Imperial pints(Imp pt)
Imperial quarts(Imp qt) 1.137 Litres(l) 0.88 Imperial quarts(Imp qt)
Imperial quarts(Imp qt) 1.201 US quarts 0.833 Imperial quarts(Imp qt)
US quarts(US qt) 0.946 Litres(l) 1.057 US quarts(US qt)
Imperial gallons(Imp gal) 4.546 Litres(l) 0.22 Imperial gallons(Imp gal)
Imperial gallons(Imp gal) 1.201 US gallons 0.833 Imperial gallons(Imp gal)
US gallons(US gal) 3.785 Litres 0.264 US gallons(US gal)
Mass (weight):
UnitsMultipy by Units Multiply By Units(in)
Ounces (oz) 28.35 Grams 0.035 Ounces(oz)
Pounds(lbf; lb) 0.454 Kilograms(kg) 2.205 Pounds(lb)
UnitsMultipy by Units Multiply By Units(in)
Ounces-force (ozf; oz) 0.278 Newtons (N) 3.6 Ounces-force (ozf; oz)
Pounds-force(lbf; lb) 4.448 Newtons(N) 0.225 Pounds-force(lbf; lb)
Newtons(N) 0.1 Kilograms-force (kgf; kg) 9.81 Newtons(N)
UnitsMultipy by Units Multiply By Units(in)
Pounds-force per square inche(psi) 0.070 Kilograms-force per square centimetre (kgf/cm2; kg/cm3;kg cm) 14.223 Pounds-force per square inche(psi)
Pounds-force per square inche(psi) 0.068 Atmospheres (atm) 14.696 Pounds-force per square inche(psi)
Pounds-force per square inche(psi) 0.069 Bars 14.5 Pounds-force per square inche(psi)
Pounds-force per square inche(psi) 6.895 Kilopascals (kPa) 0.145 Pounds-force per square inche(psi)
Kilopascals (kPa) 0.01 Kilograms-force per square centimetre (kgf/cm cm;kg kg/cm2) 98.1 Kilopascals (kPa)
Millibar (mbar) 100 Pascal(Pa) 0.01 Millibar(mbar)
Millibar (mbar) 0.0145 Pounds-force per square inch (psi; lbf/in; lb/in2) 68.947 Millibar(mbar)
Millibar (mbar) 0.75 Millimeters of mercury (mmHg) 1.333 Millibar(mbar)
Millibar (mbar) 0.401 Inches of water (in H2O) 2.491 Millibar(mbar)
Millimeters of mercury (mmHg) 0.535 Inches of water (in H2O) 1.868 Millimeters of mercury (mmHg)
Inches of water (in H2O) 0.036 Pounds-force per square inch (psi; lbf/in2; lb/in2) 27.68 Inches of water (in H2O)
Torque (moment of force):
UnitsMultipy by Units Multiply By Units(in)
Pounds-force inches(lbf in;lb in) 1.152 Kilograms-force centimetre (kgf cm;kg cm) 0.868 Pounds-force inches(lbf in;lb in)
Pounds-force inches(lbf in;lb in) 0.113 Newton metres (Nm) 8.85 Pounds-force inches(lbf in;lb in)
Pounds-force inches(lbf in;lb in) 0.083 Pounds-force feet (lbf ft; lb ft) 12 Pounds-force inches(lbf in;lb in)
Pounds-force feet(lbf ft;lb ft) 0.138 Kilograms-force metre (kgf m;kg m) 0.868 Pounds-force feet(lbf ft;lb ft)
Pounds-force feet(lbf ft;lb ft) 1.356 Newton metre (Nm) 0.738 Pounds-force feet(lbf ft;lb ft)
Newton metre (Nm) 0.102 Kilograms-force centimetre (kgf m;kg cm) 9.804 Newton metre (Nm)
UnitsMultipy by Units Multiply By Units(in)
Horsepower(hp) 745.7 Matts(W) 0.0013 Horsepower(hp)
Velocity (speed):
UnitsMultipy by Units Multiply By Units(in)
Miles per hour (miles/hr; mph) 1.609 Kilometres per hour(km/hr; kph) 0.621 Miles per hour (miles/hr; mph)
Fuel consumption:
UnitsMultipy by Units Multiply By Units(in)
Miles per gallon, Imperial(mpg) 0.354 Kilometres per litre(km/l) 2.825 Miles per gallon, Imperial (mpg)
Miles per gallon, US (mpg) 0.425 Kilometres per litre(km/l) 2.352 Miles per gallon US(mpg)

Degrees Fahrenheit = (Degrees Celsius x 1.8) +32
Degrees Celsius = (Degrees Fahrenheit - 32) x 0.56

Any Questions ? E-Mail Mike care of Joe

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